Thursday, May 17, 2007


Lime green.....

Lime green oozing from Emily's nose...pretty picture huh? One friend said "lime green is such a great spring color!" Well after taking her a couple of weeks ago and being told it was a virus, I wasn't really sure about taking her in again. Last time she was inconsolable and high fever - this time little fever and stopped up. Good thing we did go - sinus and both ears infected. Poor thing! She has been pretty yucky all week -- but in the waiting room and doctor's office it was like she was on crack!! She was climbing all over the place, trying to take other kids toys, trying to rip books apart, wanting to run down the hall. OMG!! I thought I was going to pull my hair out. We got home and had lunch, put her down for a nap....and no luck. She's wide awake. I guess the good thing is she's not feeling bad!!!

and the sitter....worked out great!! She is the sweetest thing. Aaron and I met another couple for dinner - no highchairs! We had a wonderful, long, quiet dinner. The sitter asked if we wanted her to clean up, have Emily in bed by the time we got home, etc etc. I just said no - you just keep her happy and healthy and we'll be back to do all the work. I think Emily had a great time.

Enjoy your day! :)

Monday, May 14, 2007



:)....that pretty much sums it up!
My parents came last week. Hectic but good. One day Mom and I bought crab legs, steaks, awesome triple tiger cake from HEB and let dad and Aaron cook for an early Mother's good! One night my mom kept Emily while Aaron took me to Carmelo's...YUMMY!!! I had penne pasta with shrimp and pancetta, followed by chocolate mouse cake. What a great week. I even got try on swimsuits without Emily throwing a fit!
This past weekend Aaron bought some kabobs, wine, and another fancy dessert ( I must admit I'm digging the fancy HEB desserts!) Sat we had a birthday party to go to - which we ended up going to twice and having a wonderful time - then came home, put Emily to bed and had a wonderful dinner. Sunday we had a picnic in the park, even fed the ducks! came home and made root beer floats. Then I left to surprise a friend for her birthday! That surprise lasted until 1am and a few bottles of wine later. (today has been better than you think...but still a little slow)
Tonight I confirmed a sitter for tomorrow and Sunday. I'm ecstatic!! Tomorrow we are just having dinner and letting Emily get acquainted with the sitter because Sunday we are going downtown to celebrate my sister in laws birthday. I hope this sitter works out...keep your fingers crossed!!!
My sister in law's mom has been in the hospital having a bone marrow transplant - GREAT news she is getting to go home early!!! Such relief, such joy!
and........I'm going to OK next week to visit and see the graduation ceremonies. It's my first visit back - I'm very excited to see some old friends!!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful week!!

Monday, May 07, 2007


sick kiddo

I guess about a week ago Emily had a fever. All within an hour it hit and was gone. Then on Tues she got it again. I thought nothing of it - just teething. No snot, cough, or poops - had to be teething. Thurs afternoon and night she was miserable. Screaming like she was throwing a fit but it was from pain. She was either asleep or screaming. She wanted to be held but then couldn't handle that either. It was scary. So Friday morning we went to the Dr. Her fever was 102. The blood and urine work showed nothing. CRAZY!!! She is much better - still pretty tired though.
Needless to say the camping trip was called off. That's the second of the season so far.
My parents are coming tonight and staying most of the week. I hope Emily is up to that! I'm also hoping that Aaron and I get some time for a date night -- we need it desperately!! Communication and understanding are at an all time low around times I tell.
anyway....Here's to a week of healing and happiness! :)

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