Wednesday, June 13, 2007


my space

I'm a little slow on the my space bit.
Now what?

Friday, June 08, 2007

I love summer!!! It seems like everything just comes to life....including me. I think we've been going non-stop for a couple of weeks. I went to OK the week before memorial day - surprised my friend who was graduating. I really wish him happiness and success! (if the girls will just leave him alone long enough...anyway to be young and in love...) Had a great time seeing Trish and her girls were wonderful with Emily :)
Spent Memorial Day weekend dodging the rain drops and working on Emily's room -- which is almost done, need to finish painting a few things.
Then we went to visit my parents and celebrate my dad's 65th birthday!! Dodged rain drops most of the time there. Mom and I re-did a table and chairs I had as a kid. Turned out pretty cute - painted white and cut daisies out of different papers and glued to the top and seats.
Got to see my uncle and aunt who I haven't seen in 10+ years. Really nice to visit with everyone.
In a week we are going to the beach!! I'm so excited. We are taking the camper - so this will be our first trip since Thanksgiving. I hope Emily enjoys it this time - the beach and sun should wear her out enough that she has no choice but to sleep well all night!!
I've also been enjoying the company of my new mommy friends. Its seems we've been having mom's night out almost weekly!! FUN FUN FUN -- but 3 am is a little late to be out when you have to interact with a toddler the next day!.....but FUN we do have.
Hope everyone has a great weekend..........and I'll see some of you next weekend!!!

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