Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Here I am ...

So I lost my password - but now I'm back and will try to remember everything I had to share.
MDO - All is good. We have a new teacher, but same assistant. I'm not saying the first teacher was bad, but E really connects with the new one. She showed up the Thurs of the second week. Great Day! By Thurs of the third week, E was running down the hall to her classroom. Last night was open house and I finally got to chat with the teachers. They said E was doing GREAT!!! I'm so relieved. I also have a mommy brag - E is top of her class in fine motor skills :) I think I was so excited to hear that because there is a mom of twins in her class that hits my nerve EVERY day. She freaked about E's pacifier day one - saying they shouldn't be allowed, her boys are so past that, blah blah blah......I look over and both are sucking their thumbs...really? their past that??? Hmmm.... Then she always blocks the door so I can't get to E during pick-up, E sees me and starts crying....MOVE lady!!! Anyway....MDO front is good! I can finally relax .......and clean toilets :)

HHMMM.....what else??? Little Dog, who's official name is Lucy. Someone on freecycle was giving away a Boston Terrier - which Aaron has wanted for a long time. We got her about two weeks ago, got her shots, spayed etc etc. Allie is so happy to have someone to play with. They are so cute. Not sure if she is ready to camp this weekend though. She doesn't really know her name yet and lets her nose get the best of her - so I think she will stay home this trip. I don't want to lose her. She's all ready wondered off once.
Funny Lucy is teaching Allie bad habits. Allie is not much of a barker - and neither is Lucy - but all ready they team up and bark and chase the cats AAHHH!!!

Other news....had a great chicken fried steak last night. Funny our friends from Canada have NEVER had CFS. Can you imagine? Such a staple food of the south. Anyway we went to a place we've eaten before but not fully explored. They have a great covered outside area and playground, fully fenced. It was the best meal out as a family!! Emily played, we sat and had a beer, the wonderful dinner came, she ate, and played some more. I think we will become regulars. :)

We payed off the Jeep!!!! No car payments!!! We are so excited. Feels like such and accomplishment :)

Decided on Halloween costumes. Aaron has been planning Darth Vader for a year. So E is R2D2 and I will be C-3PO. we are not the biggest Star Wars fans, actually I'm not at all - but it should be fun!

I guess that's about it.
Enjoy the day :)

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


1st Day of MDO

Today was the first day of MDO. The teacher reported Emily was "teary" most of the day. When did "crying" become not PC??? Anyway - I knew there would be some adjustment and crying - but it kills me when I know there is a simple solution. Like she cried at naptime - because they didn't give her the sippy cup of milk I packed and her stuffed kitty. So Thurs most explicit directions will be left. I hate to be THAT mom - but I can't stand senseless crying. I understand its a new environment etc etc - but come on, give the kiddo her milk all ready. OK - so I stayed BUSY today. I cleaned out the master closet and bathroom, pantry, ran to the dry cleaners, grocery shopping, donated the clothes from the closet, painted some shelves Aaron built this past weekend. AND I took a little nap before picking her up. Thurs will be more of the same. I'm planning to get everything cleaned out and organized and then actually CLEAN this house.

Last weekend we flew to Midland to celebrate my grandmother's 87th birthday. She was so surprised to see us. Emily did great on the flight there - but the hotel room freaked her out and then I think her tummy hurt - so no one slept - and by no one I mean anyone surrounding us. I felt bad, but nothing I could do. The flight home was ok - the pilot descended a little fast. Everyone's ears were hurting, including the adults. We survived though - and I think we will fly again someday. The good thing is my grandmother said she was open to the idea of moving to Tyler. It would be great to be able to see her more often - we shall see if and when it happens though.

We've been enjoying the company of some new friends. They are from Canada and we met through the mom's group. They have the cutest little boy - and the kiddos play so well together. They enjoy camping and we are looking forward to some trips this fall. Here's a picture of Emily kissing their dog.

All is well in our world. Hug your kiddos tight tonight. We had two friends of friends of friends loose their boys. I NEVER want to experience this pain. One was a 5 month old, born premature in a very broken body - Thank the Lord he is no longer suffering. The other was a 14 yr old boy committed suicide out of the blue. Tragic. I know our kids grow and it sometimes feels like we are losing them - but we have not truly lost them. Let them know you love them.

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