Monday, December 17, 2007


Santa Clause is coming to town...

well atleast to my parents house. As I've said before - I just find it odd that now that we have Emily we still have to have Christmas at my parents. As time goes by this will prove to be difficult for Santa. I'm trying to accept that Emily's tradition will be to have Christmas at Papa and Granny's and birthday at home. She'll grow up loving it. Even though they are in a new house (not "home" to me)it will always be their home to Emily and hopefully having Christmas there will make it feel like home to everyone else. Anyway..............
I'm surprised at how many of you have recently told me you read the blog. Hope you will leave comments as you have time. I still can't get in the habit of myspace - I'm doing good to write here once a month!
All our Christmas shopping is done and wrapped. Emily's birthday shopping is done - not wrapped. I've got all the party stuff (party is just family again this year - maybe next we will have a kiddie party) - except food, but have planned a menu. This week is E's school birthday - I'm making sugar cookies in the shapes of 2 and E. I thought cake and icing would be a bit messy for the little ones. Then Thurs is their Christmas Party. Aaron and I made wooden Gingerbread men threader/lacing toys for the kids. I think we are making wooden snowman Christmas ornaments for the teachers. (can you guess we just got a scroll saw??)
Well if I don't get back on here...........Merry Christmas! :)

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