Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Spring is in the air

Oh that was a wonderful cruise!!! Amazing how calm your day is without a two year old in charge........but she was the topic of most conversations :)

We are now back into our routine. Attempting potty training. She seems to get it sometimes and has no interest at other times. I think it will go better once she's not at MDO twice a week. I don't expect them to ask her if she needs to go every five min so of course she's in a diaper there. Anyway - I'm sure she'll get it before she starts college!!!

Spring is here - I love it!!! We left and the trees had flowers - got home and everything has leaves :) Aaron's tomatoes are looking good!!! The daisies we started from seed last year are finally about to bloom. I'm so excited.

Got the proofs for Em's school pics --- they are so adorable. I didn't have high expectations but we have 4 proofs and will be ordering 3 of those. If you want to see them online send me an email and I will send the site and password.

We were on vacation last week and our friends are on vacation this week. (if you call competing in the AZ ironman vacation??? ) This means Em has not seen her friend Nicholas in two weeks. This morning was very sad. I picked out a shirt for her and she told me no - she wanted to wear her red Nicholas shirt. (a red Canada shirt they had given her) It was like her last effort to bring him home. Hopefully we will see them this weekend!!! We've been checking on their house and animals - every day she brings home a different Nicholas toy. Very sweet.

I hope everyone is well and enjoying Spring :)

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