Sunday, August 10, 2008



I know its far and few between on here - and I'm ok with that. But I did want to share a couple of pics of our kitchen remodel. The tile is up - just need to grout and seal. The ceiling fan went out - so add that to the project and we are hopefully done!
The top pic is the beginning and the others are the tile work we did this weekend.

Friday, July 04, 2008


what a difference a year makes

Sunday, May 04, 2008


May 4th 08

Well we survived Em getting ear tubes and adenoids taken out. Talk about stress - and it all went great! She was back to normal within 1.5 hrs. She's had some pain but doing good. Once she heals up we hope to enjoy more sleep around here.
That's been about it since the cruise. Just trying to decided what was best for Em and getting it all done.
School is just about out, so I will need to make sure I save a couple of those days for a good spring cleaning. Em has so much, most days I just want to pack about 3/4 of it away for a garage sale, but then as I do I get sentimental about her playing with stuff or who gave it to her etc etc.....seriously though something has to give!
I guess that's it. I do alot better at keeping Em's pic blog up to date......not sure how much longer I will keep this one. I email most of you consistently -- and if I don't send me an email!!!!
Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Spring is in the air

Oh that was a wonderful cruise!!! Amazing how calm your day is without a two year old in charge........but she was the topic of most conversations :)

We are now back into our routine. Attempting potty training. She seems to get it sometimes and has no interest at other times. I think it will go better once she's not at MDO twice a week. I don't expect them to ask her if she needs to go every five min so of course she's in a diaper there. Anyway - I'm sure she'll get it before she starts college!!!

Spring is here - I love it!!! We left and the trees had flowers - got home and everything has leaves :) Aaron's tomatoes are looking good!!! The daisies we started from seed last year are finally about to bloom. I'm so excited.

Got the proofs for Em's school pics --- they are so adorable. I didn't have high expectations but we have 4 proofs and will be ordering 3 of those. If you want to see them online send me an email and I will send the site and password.

We were on vacation last week and our friends are on vacation this week. (if you call competing in the AZ ironman vacation??? ) This means Em has not seen her friend Nicholas in two weeks. This morning was very sad. I picked out a shirt for her and she told me no - she wanted to wear her red Nicholas shirt. (a red Canada shirt they had given her) It was like her last effort to bring him home. Hopefully we will see them this weekend!!! We've been checking on their house and animals - every day she brings home a different Nicholas toy. Very sweet.

I hope everyone is well and enjoying Spring :)

Friday, March 14, 2008


Do you know your name?

Embly Shaper :)

Monday, February 25, 2008



It's that time again......time for my monthly post. I see it as a good sign. When we moved here I had nothing better to do but ramble every morning...sometimes a few times a day but now we have a routine and I just forget to post about it all. So the latest thing.......Bye Bye Pacifier!!!! I have no idea why I decided this would be the weekend. I'm not bothered by her having it, but I just got the feeling she was ready. She doesn't ask for it at MDO and only at the house when she would see it. So I took it from her. Friday nap was a little crazy. She cried and cried and cried (momma drank and drank that night) BUT she never said Paci - so maybe she was over tired, or just didn't want to nap, or hungry - she ate alot for dinner. Anyway Friday bedtime she actually said Paci and I just ignored her and gave her a blanket and BeBe (stuffed kitty)and that was it. Really it was uneventful - as everyone says it is. I guess it really was a bigger deal to me. Now on to potty training!
I started seriously working out again. Every morning just send a little extra energy my way!

Thursday, January 24, 2008



January is so depressing around here......but not anymore!!! We booked a cruise in April :) I'm so excited. This will be our first - but I'm so looking forward to just not doing anything and being warm.
I've also finished E's babybook!!! I haven't had it printed yet - but it's finished...unless anyone sees a typo PLEASE let me know so I can correct it. If you want to see a copy just email me. I did it through Picaboo - like online scrapbooking kinda - free software just have to pay to have the book printed. If you're interested in using picaboo let me know - I've learned some tips!!! So now I think I may start on 2007 - more of a family album than baby book theme. It would be great to get caught up and just have to update a current book each month and then print at the end of the year.
TODAY I am going to the gym. I am going to do a 2 week pass and see if I like this place and then hopefully get back into the routine of going to the gym. Everyone in our little group goes to this place - but I think the childcare SUCKS!!! Too many kids - too many crying kids - and they always just come get you. I don't see the point in paying for a membership if I can't use it. Anyway I'm going alone today to see more of the gym and then hopefully take E tomorrow and see how she does. If it doesn't go well I will look at some other gyms. Anyway wish me luck and little soreness!!!

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