Thursday, January 24, 2008



January is so depressing around here......but not anymore!!! We booked a cruise in April :) I'm so excited. This will be our first - but I'm so looking forward to just not doing anything and being warm.
I've also finished E's babybook!!! I haven't had it printed yet - but it's finished...unless anyone sees a typo PLEASE let me know so I can correct it. If you want to see a copy just email me. I did it through Picaboo - like online scrapbooking kinda - free software just have to pay to have the book printed. If you're interested in using picaboo let me know - I've learned some tips!!! So now I think I may start on 2007 - more of a family album than baby book theme. It would be great to get caught up and just have to update a current book each month and then print at the end of the year.
TODAY I am going to the gym. I am going to do a 2 week pass and see if I like this place and then hopefully get back into the routine of going to the gym. Everyone in our little group goes to this place - but I think the childcare SUCKS!!! Too many kids - too many crying kids - and they always just come get you. I don't see the point in paying for a membership if I can't use it. Anyway I'm going alone today to see more of the gym and then hopefully take E tomorrow and see how she does. If it doesn't go well I will look at some other gyms. Anyway wish me luck and little soreness!!!

Yea! The cruise sounds fun!
We are planning a trip as well. We are going to take the kids to CO, UT,AZ ona tour of canyons and such. Should be a lot fo fun!

Good job on going back ot the gym. Ya know,...honestly...child care is what keeps me from going myself...and that stinks cause Momma is blimping up BIG time!

And way to go on the baby book. Since today is his 3rd b-day...I mught just need to sit down and make sure I fill in the baby book of any events that I forgot to put down!
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