Sunday, March 19, 2006


Emily's new toy....Jumperoo! Last weekend we had dinner with Vanessa and Jeff. They were sweet enough to let us borrow Lauren's swing, since ours did not survive the move. We are on our second set of batteries - Emily loves to move. She also likes Aaron to hold her up in the evenings - so we thought it might be time for the jumper. Schaefer grandparents had got us the kind that hangs from the door - but in this house we have no door frames. Lauren had one of these - was going crazy - very funny to see for the first time. So Friday I went and traded ours - Emily doesn't bounce like Lauren yet - but she enjoys being upright and looking around.

Aaron was awesome this weekend - he helped me finish painting the master bedroom and bath! That means only the kitchen is left to paint. We are going to have a bbq as soon as everything is done --- all will be invited. I helped him tidy the garage -- it is getting better. We also hung the dart board - with a cork background to save the wall from me - that Tom and Kristi gave him atleast 3 Christmas ago. Aaron also took care of Emily Friday afternoon so I could take a much needed nap. And Allie even got a bath - what a weekend! (even though it would have been much more fun to go camping with the Ellis family.....but we are learning flexibility now that we are parents)
Well the weekend isn't over yet......hang a ceiling fan or go to Wal-mart to buy a trash can?

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