Thursday, March 23, 2006


Guess what! Guess what! Guess what!

Ok few of you probably answered correctly but.........BOSS is BACK!! Boss is Tricia's Boston Terrier that has been gone since July 4th, 2005. Crazy. We think he was stolen and taken to Lawton, but the story has not completely unfolded yet. Anyway some couple found him in their yard and called the vet on his tags - which was still connected to Trish. Trish tried to pay the couple, but they said just seeing them back together was thanks enough. Boss is adjusting back to the pampered life - all ready has ball marks on all the walls in the house!
Welcome Home Bossy :)

We are very happy he is home.He looks happy and I think has missed his tennis balls. Thanks for being as happy as we are.
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