Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Has anyone heard of Craig's List - online classifieds? I hadn't, until yesterday. As some of you know my grandmother is in a nursing home now and we inherited the Lincoln. So it was time to sell the Altima. (why do I get sad when its time to say good bye to car? maybe because you spend so much of your life in it? who knows) Anyway Aaron listed it on Craig's List - we had like 30 replys in an hour and sold it to the first guy for our full asking price. Apparently if you have a used car now is the time to sell. The guy was a used car dealer and said he couldn't keep any on his lot. I guess because of Katrina. He was even trying to buy the Lincoln. Anyway... I listed the sailboat and got one reply so far - maybe we will be able to sell it soon.
Still making headway around the house. I put out bug / ant killer and fertilized the flowers yesterday. Hopefully the ants will be gone soon and I can plant more flowers.
Today I see Jonathan - hope its a good workout but not brutal!
Hope to hear from more of you soon.
Enjoy the day!

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