Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Sleep is good

Yesterday I was thinking alot about Emily, how much she has grown, how much we've done in her first few months of life, and how good she has been. She was nine days old when we drove to Midland to see my grandmother and again when she was about a month old. At home she would eat about every two hours, but on the road I had to wake her up to feed and change her. At about 4 weeks old we decided to introduce the bottle and she took to it like no big deal - the first time was even from me. After about a month she was only waking up once in the night and then she would go to bed around 11pm and wake at 5am - no complaints here. Now she is usually getting to bed a little earlier and sleeping a little later. Pregnancy was not easy for me, but she has been great. I hope she continues to be an easy going individual.
So yes even on her cranky days - and we've had some - I am still grateful for my sleep and feel for those who are sleep deprived.
Emily laughed out loud yesterday for the first time :) She has been smiling for about a month, but no sound - she is also starting to "talk".
Hope you all enjoy your day :)

Just you wait, once they start laughing and talking, the changes come on an almost daily basis. Everything from here on out is gravy, and everyone knows that gravy is good.

Glad to hear that she's such a good baby and is already doing so good with the sleeping :) That is a major plus!
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