Sunday, March 26, 2006


This is funny.....and no I don't care who you are

Saturday afternoon we got together with Tom and Kristi, for some much needed family time (that's a different story) We went to the Forbidden Gardens, which is about Chinese history, and it is next to our subdivision. Our tour guide, white blond hair female kept mispronouncing words and we just could not follow what she was saying, so basically I learned nothing.....but there was a cool pond on the way in with tons of turtles and fish :). Anyway we came home, everyone went home to walk their dogs and then we met back up to go to Outback. I was in a bit of a hurry cause I still needed to make bottles and what not. But I finally got dressed and out we went. Having a great time, couple of glasses of wine husband starts looking at me funny and announces to everyone "hey you're shirt is on inside out!" and then Tom says "well I was wondering about the buttons" Thanks guys! no really Thanks! I'm sure no one else noticed, but I still felt stupid. can dress me up....well no actually you can't.
Had a pretty productive weekend. Got the yard done, ants are dead so I can plant flowers this week, and Aaron hung the fan in the study and is working on the garage some more. Still need to fix the fence so Allie can't get out - hopefully this week or next weekend at the latest.
Enjoy the day!

No, you can't dress you up, me either for that matter, unless shorts and a ballcap are dressing up.
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Aahh...memories of the new mom mind set. I stil have mmy days when I'm lucky that I remember to kick off my slippers and wear real shoes :)
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