Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Well I think I sold the sailboat. The guy is coming this morning. Even more sad to see the boat go than the car. I think we've had that boat for about 30 years. We didn't use it a lot, but still have many memories. Like falling out of it in the middle of the lake, my dad sailing circles and trying to catch my hand as he goes by, and my mom yelling at dad from the shore. I was around 5. Or that for some reason every time my parents took the boat out they managed to flip it - and as some of us know - my mom does not enjoy getting her hair wet! I loved teaching Aaron to sail - I think he really enjoyed and is sad to see it go. Anyway....its time to let someone else enjoy it instead of us storing it.
Yesterday was a good workout - I'm off to the gym early this morning so I'll be back in time for the guy to look at the boat.
I've been on allergy shots for about 4 years - having to transfer everything down here which really means starting all over with a doctor here. Didn't really find a dr. that I like, but whatever. I get my first shot today. I have to go in and sit 20 min. I'm going to miss just giving them myself at my convinience. They also do not do food shots here - and think I'm crazy for having done them. So I'm hoping that the ones I took for a couple of years have worked - if not I will be making a trip to Duncan. You can not convince they didn't work - I'm not sick anymore am I , and I can eat whatever.
I will try to post some pics of Emily today - admit it - that's really what you want to see - not listen to me ramble. :)
Enjoy the day!

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