Saturday, March 18, 2006

Yeah it's the weekend! Last night we went out with Tom and Kristi for pizza - very good. On the way to their house, Aaron and I kept noticing this strange smell in the Jeep - cat urine. Since we have three cats you just start thinking which one it was and how sad you would be if they were gone---cause you're ready to kill them. Then you think - wait - they haven't been in the car and it didn't smell when I was out earlier. So what has been inside the house that is now back in the Jeep? Baby carrier - you know the one I just put Emily in, picked a pacifier out of and put in her mouth. Are you feeling my shock and horror - how I must be a terrible mother? So we get to Tom and Kristi's and I say - - can you smell this, which brings some strange looks. To my relief - no smell, and the carrier is dry. :) I did not put my child in cat urine!!! But the smell has not been resolved. We load up in the Jeep -- no smell. Start the engine and air conditioner -- SMELL -- Kristi said it has happened to them many times, a cat has sprayed the engine or something --- I'm relieved that we get to keep our kitties who all live inside the house!

Lesson learned from yesterday......if you have a trainer you should go to the gym more than just the day you see him. I worked with Jonathan last Wednesday - I think I went in that Friday and did something, but I can't remember, anyway...yesterday he said "so what have you done since our last workout?" Since he had asked Aaron where I was this past week I knew I couldn't lie. Punishment...full boby workout. I hurt today!! I know its good, and I'm happy to be getting back in shape - not just back to pre - pregnancy weight - but some nice muscle tone too.

Well its early and everyone is asleep, so I think I will go finish the painting in the master bedroom. I will be so glad when all the painting is done and I can just sit back and enjoy it all.

Enjoy the day!

Thanks for the comments Jim and Angie :)

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