Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Avacado Adobe

This past weekend we had dinner with some friends, Sat we just kinda hung out and did some things around the house. Sunday we met up with Tom and Kristi and I finally got to try the Avacado Adobe! This thing is awesome.....chunks of avacado and fajita meat wrapped in cheese and deep fried! Could there be anything better?
Then we headed to their place, the boys went for a bicycle ride and the girls played in the pool. Emily seemed to enjoy the water :) Later we cooked out and then headed upstairs for xbox karoke ? I'll admit it was fun (after a certain amount of alcohol) but ....I can't sing and when I say that I mean I can not sing. I got kicked off staged by xbox!
anyway...Friday night we have a babysitter. I'm not sure what I want to do if anything, just looking forward to the freedom.
I'm off to the gym now. I'm sick of all the weight comments and suggestions so I will finally get serious. I've accepted that it will take about a year to get where I want to be but hopefully I will see some serious improvement soon. So no more avacado adobe :(

Where on Earth do you find this wonderful sounding food?
In that HELL they call Houston! Does sound good though.

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