Sunday, April 30, 2006

I got some time to myself and life is good! I dropped Emily off Friday afternoon. She was being so cute and adorable with Kristi and her mom. Then her mom left, Kristi got a business call, and Emily decided to wake up and fuss. I never worried about Emily's safety --just Tom and Kristi's sanity. They survived. As they said it was good for them as Kristi is due in August and they haven't had much more experience than Aaron and I had (which was zero). Anyway...I got a pedicure, and the lady next to me was holding a baby (2 months old and honestly bigger than Emily!) She was the grandmother and said "I could have left her at home, but I spend every moment I can with her, they grow so fast" yeah yeah lady, and since I've spent every moment with Emily since she was born (ok except for the one night of stomach virus and Trish came to the rescue - she's my superhero ya know!) I felt no guilt in getting a pedicure and having an evening to myself. Anyway, then I went to the beauty supply store and got some nail stuff and new hairbrush - took my time looking around - wonderful! Then Aaron and I had to run by the gym, our trainer is leaving :( , then to garden ridge, Fazoli's for dinner (everywhere else had a 30 - 40 min wait and I wasn't spending my free time waiting) Then we went into Randall's for a couple of groceries and then the liquer store. Came home and played darts and talked and listened to music and just hung out - so great! Sat we got up and grabbed breakfast at Bagel Express - a place I had my eye on, but we just hadn't made it there it. YUMMY After we got Emily, Aaron watched her, until it was time to go back to Tom and Kristi's, the boys went to a concert and the girls went out to eat, gardenridge and dessert! Its been a great weekend. I feel sane again.
Emily was 4 months old on Friday and Tuesday we go for shots :( If she is feeling well we have dinner plans with some old friends that night. On wed I take Allie back to get tested - keep your fingers crossed!
Enjoy the day! :)

Liquor, moron!

Sorry, had to.

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