Sunday, April 16, 2006

It was time to get out of the house for a bit so we drove to Galveston and had lunch yesterday. We took the long way getting there - down to Freeport and then drove up the coast to Galveston. Amazed at all the new development. We had lunch at Fisherman's Wharf outside looking at the ship channel. We started with some bacon wrapped shrimp - probably the best I've ever had. As I was taking the last bite of a shrimp my fingers slipped and it went flying! I started to laugh and then couldn't stop - but I guess no one but Aaron saw. So between not being able to dress myself and throwing food, I'm not sure if Aaron will take me out again! Then we walked around a bit, got a coffee, and headed home. We wanted to hang out more but needed to check on Allie. We left her in the house because we still haven't fixed the gate yet - maybe today. (oh and Allie had been a perfect angel - even cleaned the cat litter box for us - yuck!)
Today we colored eggs - which we have always done - but glad we can blame it on Emily now!
We rented the Easter Bunny's coming to town - one very strange show with a song about putting honey on your corn pone? Don't get me laughing again.
I just downloaded some pictures - had been feeling pretty good about myself - but the workout/diet is about to get serious! to play outside while Emily's taking a cat nap.
Enjoy the day!

First time we ever went out to eat with my Granny and Pop, not the one's you know, but my mom's parents. It was just after lunch, on a Sunday, and my grandparents knew everyone in the Spot Restuarant in Levelland, TX. Angie openen up the adventure by squeezing a lemon into her tea, letting it slip, read it as fly, bounce off of a waitress, and land in the middle of a table of 20 or so. I thought my grandmother would stroke out, she's a bit uptight, Pop tried to hold it in, but couldn't, I'm sure he got scolded later, but he laughed his ass off right along with me. Angie was, of course, mortified, but I loved it.

Just to let you feel a little better about yourself.

Oh My Gosh... I don't know who jim is, but I used to live at Levelland and I actually worked at the SPOT aka the Greasy Spot for one day.... I HAAAATTTED it so I quit. I decided working to save money to buy a Dooney & Burke purse wasn't worth it if I had to work at the Spot to do it... My parents taught me a good lesson--and it made me NEVER want to eat at ANY restaurant again... you wouldn't believe the stuff that goes on.... we colored eggs with Courtney and Carson, too... needless to say, I went to church with blue and green hands!! Love the pics on the blog... CYa Alesha
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