Thursday, April 27, 2006


Mental Picture

Here's a mental picture for ya...For my workout Tuesday, Jonathan asked if I wanted to do legs and abs or what - I said sure or we could play one on one. He was excited for the change and so was I. We had t he court to ourselves. So there we were myslef short, pale white, female, out of shape playing ball with Jonathan, tall over 6'5", black male, extremely built. It was alot of fun. and....if we just count shots, not whether is was a three pointer or not, he only beat me 11-8. I was kinda proud of myself. I warmed up on the bike and then did some abs before we played and I am sore! I tried a new ab machine so I don't know if its that or the basketball, but O how it hurts to cough or sneeze or stretch or hell even breathe!

That's a "good" sore though. Sounds like you held your own at 1-on-1! Good job :)

Thanks for sharing your info about the allergy testing. Sorry to hear that you aren't finding the same quality care that you did have. You've help give me a more more positive view on this though...thanks!
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