Wednesday, April 12, 2006


..sick puppy...

For those of you who do not know this is Allie. We adopted her almost three years ago and you could not ask for a better friend. She has even been amazing with Emily and accepting that her #1 spot in our daily routine has been taken. She is not aggressive, yet very protective of her family.
This morning I noticed her licking and chewing at her foot. She wouldn't let me get a good look but I could tell it was swollen, bright red, and maybe even a little blood. So off to the vet we went - I thought it was just a bite or something, but was afraid she would make it bigger and it would get infected. While we are there I decide to get some heartworm pills - but they won't sell them to me unless they have a test on file - and since we just moved I had no choice. I felt bad putting her through the whole needle blood thing - but she did great. The results came back negative - I wasn't worried - I always give her the pills. BUT the test revealed another parasite problem- Ehrlichiosis. She wasn't showing any signs - but her blood count is all messed up. This comes from ticks - which she hasn't had since we adopted her (and she was covered then - poor thing) So she's either had this for a long time or a tick snuck by us - and I don't know how since she was getting a weekly bath in Duncan and also got the flea and tick stuff. Anyway she is on antibiotics for three weeks - then we do a retest. I need to do some research but I think the vet was trying to say she could be a carrier but not really have the disease - lets hope so. (but I guess that wouldn't explain the messed up blood count - just the no symptoms)
And the foot - they shaved it, running some tests to make sure it wasn't a fungus and sent us home with some spray.
Anyway....she's got to be better...that's all there is to it.

and Trish you know that can't be the end of the Allie is acting a little anxious to leave (who could blame her?) I get Emily's carrier loaded in a basket and get the basket and Allie out the door and......Allie can hold it no longer. Right there in front of PetSmart about three feet from the door - It wasn't pretty and you could tell Allie was embarrassed. Then I hear this weird noise - look around and some homeless bum guy is laughing. I go inside to tell them there was a mess outside - they said not to worry about it - went back outside and the guy is laughing again. Funny maybe ( and now that I'm home I can see the humor).....but my heart was breaking over the news of a sick puppy and my thought was my dog may have shit on the sidewalk but you why are you laughing - its your living room!

anyway....please keep Allie in your thoughts - I'll post more info when I have it.

Glad the pup is OK, remind me to tell you the story about the homeless moronic bums we encountered in London. Maybe I will write a blog about it someday. Scary/Funny. Happened about 2 hours off the plane there.

Hope your pup gets better. I saw something similar a few weekedns ago when I was taking Baryden to the car and there were some kids taking their yelloe lab pup into Pestsmart and I can hear these kids saying "come on, come on...oh, ...oops". So I turn around to see this cute little pup squating in the middle of the road to take a little tinkle.
I'm glad to hear Allie is on her way to recovery. Of course, there is always more to these stories.lmbo Tell Allie we love her and give her a kiss from us. Trish
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