Sunday, April 02, 2006

Sometimes I even surprise myself...I remembered to put the after post first and then the before so you wouldn't see the results first - smart huh? Anyway the flowers are pretty small now but it should look pretty good and be alot more colorful once they grow a bit.
We put some flowers outside Emily's window too. Maybe I'll remember to get a pic sometime.
The girl that brought Allie back the night she escaped, Summer, took her for a 40 min walk on Sat. Allie sat in the front yard all day today waiting to see if she would come back - maybe after school tomorrow.
Not much else to tell - just a weekend of hard productive work. Feels good to be out and about planting flowers, sweating, and even getting sunburned :)
enjoy the day!

After looking at the before and after pictures for a while, I realized that you didn't actually take the tree out of the front yard, you just moved closer for the shot. The flowers are a nice improvement, and I'm glad you kept the tree.
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