Wednesday, April 05, 2006



Ok I'm trying to be more tolerant of others (which would make me more tolerable) - but this is ridiculous. I ordered a desk and two bookshelves at the beginning of March. The bookshelves shipped Fedex and got here in no time and in great shape. Now the desk.....shipped Seko (anyone heard of that company? I never have and really never want to again) on March 12th arrived Houston on March 20th. On the 21st I happen to track my desk online and saw that it was in Houston and waiting for me to call and make a delivery appt. The guy tells me the 23rd between 1and 5. Well the 23rd has long passed by. I was just frustrated up to that point - but now I've stayed home and nothing delivered. So I make a few phone calls, one lady hangs up on me and the others say they do not work in that dept and everyone else has gone home. Does anyone return my call the next day? NO. So I call the company I ordered it from - they'll look into it. Two days later a nice lady from Seko calls - she is more worried about someone hanging up on me that where the hell my desk is. She tells me someone will call me the next day to confirm a delivery time - go ahead guess - right - no call. So I call her back and she tells me it will be delivered today - April 5th between 10-2 and you got it - no desk. So I call her, she gives me the number to a different company that has the desk now - so I call - they promise it is on the truck and out for delivery, but knew nothing of the 10-2 time. I would cancel the whole thing - but I really like the shelves and wanted a matching desk, plus this looks better than the cheap stuff but was way cheaper than the furniture store stuff. Anyway.....any bets on whether I get my desk today?
I could understand if the thing was on back order and just now shipped - but to take a month to get here (can't remember where the company is ) from anywhere in the US? Its been in Houston since the 20th...they act like Katy is another country or something.
Anyway....moral of the story - have nothing shipped through Seko!

Why does this type of thing only happen to me? Like when we eat out Aaron always gets what he orders and mine is always screwed up. Like I order steak tacos and get chicken? I say no onions and get extra onions? anway....

I was so excited about my flowers this weekend I forgot to mention the snake! Those of you that know me well know that snakes are really the one thing I can not stand (besides stupid people and poor service, but we've already discussed that) Saturday we did most of the work and had the garage door up most of the day. That night Linus (fat boy kitty) wanted to stay in the garage. Sunday I was out and here comes Aaron carrying a dead snake out of the garage. So Linus 1 - Snake 0. You would think with 3 cats and a dog we wouldn't have snakes - but we seem to attract them. Remember the house on Western Street? Like 12 snakes .....IN the house. (the foundation had shifted and they would come in under the doors) The neighbors claimed to never see snakes. Then we moved to 10th Street - neighbor has been there since 1985 and never seen a snake - I found three! They just give me the creeps!

Anyway....thanks for listening...My goal today is to get the office ready for the desk. Each day I've been focusing on one room - making progress!
Enjoy the day!

Why so bitchy, sis? It never changes things, you should take my approach. Say nothing, do nothing and probably get nothing. Yeah right, STUPID PEOPLE SUCK!!! Yell till they can hear you without the phone.

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