Monday, May 22, 2006



Emily had her first bite of rice cereal. She did pretty good - not too messy :) My mom is so excited - lol ! Emily needs juice in her diet - but she's just not sure about it. The faces she makes. I've tried diluting it with water and the faces are just more comical. She likes water though - so why push the sweet stuff.
Aaron got is mame game together. We played pac-man, centipede, joust, galaga etc. I'm working on cleaning up the game room - so we have room to play darts too :)
We are going to see his Aunt and Uncle this weekend - it will be their first time to see Emily. We got to see them more often in OK - but things were so crazy after we had Emily and then moving and now I can't believe Emily will be 5 months old and they are just now getting the chance to see her.
.....and then it will be vacation time....

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Snake Count

Snake count is now 3 - found this one stretched out across the sidewalk when we got home Sat. night.

Monday, May 15, 2006


Allie update

The blood test is back and Allie has an active infection of tick fever. She has probably had it the entire time we've had her, but luckily its been dormant. The stress of moving and the baby could be what made it active again. She will be on antibiotics for another 6 weeks before she is tested again. She is doing well - a little confused as to why she has to down three pills before getting her cookie, but hey anything for a cookie!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Little Ladybug

Last picture of the day- I promise. Not to much to write about. Tomorrow I should get Allie's results, but for now I'm all caught up on my blog.
Jim - sorry I missed your call the other day. I hope you are having a better day today :)


ladybugs, ladybugs, ladybugs

Emily: "Great, now they've put the damn things on my feet..." or "F--ing ladybugs"
Emily does not care for things on her feet - I'm suprised they stayed on long enough for me to take a picture. They were one of the first things Aaron and I bought for her while I was pregnant.


Aaron's video game

Aaron is making progress on his game. He found the wiring and switches and stuff - just has to put that all together and do a little more painting. He plans to blog the project so I'll keep you in suspense about all the details :)


Crazy flowers!


Can you do this?



Sunday we took Emily to the zoo - as you can see she got her money's worth :) I had a great time. We beat the crowd and most of the animals were still out and about. I thought I had blogged all of this - but seems I'm just blogging in my sleep.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Emily got her shots on Tuesday(notice the bandaids on her legs). She cried but didn't seem too upset for the rest of the day. We were able to go out for dinner and meet some old friends. We had a great visit and great food. Wednesday I took Allie in to get her blood test - still not good. They took more blood to send off and gave her another 3 weeks of meds. I should get the results in about 10 days. I never knew she was sick - thought she was a little depressed after the move but I have noticed that she is eating more and wants to play more. Hopefully the test will basically say she is a carrier without an active infection. anyway....Went to work out today. Since Jon left I think we get Daniel. I have worked out with him a couple of times and I must say he gives a good workout. Today there was a communication issue (about the 5th one, don't get me started on the whole service thing again!) so he wasn't there, I worked with Gilbert - great workout - don't thinkI will be able to walk in the morning - but I'm ready to have one trainer that really keeps me motivated. In June Aaron and I are going to Vegas while my mom keeps Emily. She is so excited!- and I'm looking forward to a vacation too!!! We aren't really doing the Vegas thing - we are kayaking Lake Mead and doing some day hikes - even though we may end up catching a show or two.
Better go think about dinner and hopefully Emily gets to sleep earlier tonight. She is usually out by 10pm and last night was past 11:30. She is 4 months, I'm trying to wait to start her on foods because of my worries about food allergies, but everyone tells me its time (except the doctor and current literature) anyway...any advice or books to read?
ps your right Jim - I can't spell! I don't even try to pass off the errors as typos anymore. Just one of those quirky things you gotta love about me :)

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