Monday, May 22, 2006



Emily had her first bite of rice cereal. She did pretty good - not too messy :) My mom is so excited - lol ! Emily needs juice in her diet - but she's just not sure about it. The faces she makes. I've tried diluting it with water and the faces are just more comical. She likes water though - so why push the sweet stuff.
Aaron got is mame game together. We played pac-man, centipede, joust, galaga etc. I'm working on cleaning up the game room - so we have room to play darts too :)
We are going to see his Aunt and Uncle this weekend - it will be their first time to see Emily. We got to see them more often in OK - but things were so crazy after we had Emily and then moving and now I can't believe Emily will be 5 months old and they are just now getting the chance to see her.
.....and then it will be vacation time....

How fun. I LOVE the funny faces they make when you first introduce food. And then when they really love it and go nuts inbetween bites! She is just so beautiful! Thanks for sharing the pics!!
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