Thursday, June 22, 2006


June 19th

We adopted Allie three years ago! I can't explain what an awesome dog she's been. My mom will tell you she has separation anxiety - and Aaron would probably agree - but she really doesn't. Day to day she is fine. Its the big things like moving that freaks her out. Drive all day - get to an empty house - next day the house is full of boxes and then everyone leaves - so she destroys one wooden blind. Went camping once - it was hot - decided to leave her in the AC of the camper while we went for lunch - came back and she was chewing her way out. She just doesn't want to be left in some strange place. When we adopted her she was very skinny, covered in ticks, and her teeth are worn down because she chewed her way out, and it was apparent that she had just had puppies. Her first year must have been pretty hard. She is loved and pampered now and just wants to stay with us. She is protective of Emily - in such a descrete way. She just places herself between us and strangers, seems relaxed and looking for attention, but she's working - ready at a moments notice. She is an awesome pup! Thought I would share some of our pics from the last couple of years. Happy Birthday Allie :)
Allie health update -- She is getting better. The blood count is still not great but IS better! Two more weeks of meds and then another test.

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