Thursday, June 22, 2006


What tha?

Emily's been cranky the last few days. I guess its the teeth moving around - just want my happy baby back. Anyway...was in her room changing her - and I hear a strange noise. Listen...again strange noise. OK I know I'm crazy - but I swear its a goat! When Aaron got home I had him go stand in her room - he looks at me like I'm crazy, which we've all ready established - but then he hears it. I haven't found the goat yet - but I can hear it. The house next door just sold and I think the new owners are in the process of moving in - possibly the goat is in their garage? I'm sure its cute and precious - but really a GOAT?
anyway...had other ramblings to post but the goat made me lose my train of thought.
enjoy your day!

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