Friday, July 28, 2006



Emily is 7 months old today :)
She is aaaallllllmmmmooossstttt crawling. She is trying so hard, it won't be long. She gets her tummy off the ground, rocks a time or two, ends up sliding backwards, and then is down for the count. The bottom gum line is changing everyday - I don't think it will be much longer before a tooth pops up! and most importantly to add to her accomplishments - she's a cousin!! We are so excited that Hayden is here!

Not much else to report. The snake count is now 4 - sort of. I was walking Allie the other morning in the neighborhood. We were on the sidewalk when I thought I saw a worm - turned out to be a baby snake about 5 inches long and the crazy thing striked at Allie's leg. Thank goodness it was so small and couldn't hurt Allie. So it wasn't on my property....but a sidewalk in the I'm counting that as my space and not the snake's!

Not sure what the weekend holds for us. Thought about going camping, and still want to, but since we all ready made the trip to San Antonio this week, I think we are going to hang around here. Maybe we will try to discover a new park around here.
Enjoy the day!

I love that about to crawl stage. Lots of fun. Hope you had a nice weekend...snake free :)
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