Sunday, July 09, 2006


Emily's first camping trip

What a wonderful weekend! We got to the park Friday evening - now setting up and having a hungry baby is a little challenging, but we did just fine. Sat morning we went for a little hike. Emily was very excited, but was asleep in no time - Allie loved the walk. I swear when we got there that dog was smiling, and so was I! Anyway after the hike we took a little nap and then met up with our good friend Alex for some awesome bbq at my favorite place and then we went to his house for a massage - he's in the process of getting his license - let me tell ya he's GOOD! While Aaron got his, I had the chance to chat with Alex's mom who is so sweet! Then we had some Mexican food and headed back to the park. Aaron dropped Allie and I off at the gate and we walked the half mile or so to the campsite - how I needed and enjoyed that time :) When we got to the camper Aaron wanted to walk around for a bit, so we loaded Emily and found a short trail - made it back just in time for the rain. This morning after breakfast we did one more short hike and then packed up. Good food, good friends, overall great time!
We had been so worried about Emily possibly crying and disturbing other campers - yeah that lasted until the screaming kiddos and then yapping little dogs showed up! Emily did great! and of course Allie was her perfectly behaved little self.
However one lesson was learned. Emily suddenly has quick hands and is interested in grabbing - bad idea to put hand in refried beans - hot plate, hot plate! Poor thing let out one heck of a scream! All is well, no burns or anything - just a hard way to learn she is interested in grabbing everything! a spilled drink would have been so much easier than the fear of a possible burn.
We are already planning our next trip - I love camping - can't explain it - but I need it.
Hope everyone had a great weekend! and now Aunt Shirley is coming for the week - does it get any better? :)

I wanna go! Come back to Mineral Wells, or somewhere close.
Wow, you guys make camping and hiking sound so fun! We need to get into that.
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