Sunday, July 23, 2006


Just a few things on my mind....

Hey there!
What a weekend. I posted earlier, but to the wrong blog, so I'm just now getting it on this one. And you say....wrong blog? Yep - I started a new blog of just pictures of Emily. See the family doesn't get to read this and that way I don't have to edit myself. But emailng pics has become tiresome - having to resize them, send them one at a time individually to each family member cause they still have dial up connection or because if I send to a group they never get it - it goes in the spam folder and they can't remember to look there. blog of just Emily. Took a while but its all there Feel free to see her grow. I will still post the occasional pic here - but most will be on her blog. If you'd like a hard copy I'll have Walmart mail it to you - just let me know. an email Friday....from Aaron's parents.....that his grandmother died :( yes you read that email. (now you're understanding what I meant about editing myself!) Still have not talked to his parents - as Aaron says don't try to figure it out just pretend its normal.

And why do people ask -- so what do you do all day? (angie you are not included in this as I am just amazed that you can stay home and actually get any work done!) Just because we fought to have equal rights in the work place does not mean we HAVE to work - it means we have a choice. I want to stay home with Emily. and what do I do all day? what you pay other people to do for you while your at work....I clean the house, do the laundry, mow the yard, grocery shop, cook, and most importantly take care of my child! I do not get coffee breaks, lunch breaks, smoke breaks - I'm lucky to get a shower and maybe just maybe a very short nap. I am so tired of people treating me like I'm lazy and worthless because I don't work outside the house. I do not need a job to define me. I'm happy with my little life. We get to do more as a family because we don't have to spend our weekends doing chores - nor spend our money paying others to do our chores. I respect those that have decided to be working mothers --- I just want the same respect.
and now I will step down from my soap box...

Happy thoughts....been reading my favorite book The Secret Garden :) and went for morning walks both Sat. and Sun. We discovered two parks close to the house. One was ok - just a path through some trees and around softball and soccer fields - but the other was great! It has a lot of trees, a pond with fish and ducks, has swings and stuff, even a putt putt course -- reminds me alot of our old park -- Allie just has to stay on a leash though. She doesn't seem to mind --- just happy for the walks. So if I get up early in the mornings we will head to that park, if not we will wonder around the neighborhood.

A friend had her baby about a month ago. I got to see her Thurs - so precious! She's already 9 lbs. Seemed so small - couldn't not grasp that Emily was even smaller at birth - only 6lbs 2.5 ounces.

Kristi is not due until August 11 - but my bet is next Friday. Keep your fingers crossed!

Enjoy the day!

That's excellent that you've saved this blog for you to vent and what not on. I think we all need that from time to time.

As for his parents way of telling you guys about his Grandma...girl, sometimes other people's family are hard to figure out!! Real freakin hard!! Hang in there, and deal best you can. That's the olny choice sometimes :)

As as far as the topice of "what do you do all day". You have every right to get up on that soapbox. I do it quite often when it comes to this subject. It doesn't matter that I work from home cause people STILL discredit that fact and think that I just sit around watching tv and painting my toenails. I realize that most say what they say out fo jealousy. And I AM very fortunate that I get to stay at home with my kids. I'm sorry that everyone can't do it. But that still doesn't give them the right to belittle you. And yes, it does make for much more enjoyable weekends and the quality time you spend with you spouse. "Those" people are always gonna be out there and are always gonna say that crap...sad to say.
Hey, since nobody is reading this blog. Fuck people that think that about you! Anyone who doesn't take the time to consider, or better yet, dismisses, the points that you made in your blog, aren't worth the wasted thought. You shouldn't have to explain your life or the way you chose to live it.

P.S. Angie's talking about my family. Her family is pretty open, but there is a language barrier because they are freakin Yankees! 'I gotta go pak tha ca' type shit, but they are funny.

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