Sunday, July 16, 2006



Where does the time go? I thought I had blogged alot this past week, but I guess it was just in my head. Anyway Aaron's aunt spent the week with us. We had a wonderful time and were so excited that she finally got to come and see Emily for the first time. We hope to meet them camping soon - maybe when it cools off a bit. This weekend was great. Sat I took a long nap and then we headed to the neighborhood pool. Pretty nice! Today we found a new Super Target close to the house, came home, took a nap, and then headed to Tom and Kristi's to swim and grill kabobs that we picked up at Super Target. (I like that super target - if ya can't tell!) After dinner Kristi offered some frozen yogurt, but soon changed her mind to Baskin Robbins!!! My favorite of the ice cream world. And possibly even better than ice cream - Allie and I got to go for a walk Sat and Sun morning. I hope to continue, just a matter of getting out of bed. I miss just Allie and me time - we had great walks in Duncan every morning. Squirrels, rabbits, armadillos, turkeys.......
Next weekend we hope to camp at a place that has a waterpark - not far from here - if I can work the logistics of Allie out.
All of you that want to go camping just name the when and where! Our schedule is pretty open - just a few weekends that grandparents will be here.
Well that's about it - hope everyone has a wonderful week!
Enjoy the day :)

Love the picture! And I love Super Target also! Wish we had one.
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