Monday, August 21, 2006


Back to Monday chores

Back to normal....Mom went home Sat evening. We had a great week! Let's be honest a week with your mom in your house can be a long time - but this visit was great! We did tons of shopping - Emily hung in there, poor thing and Mom kept her a couple of times so Aaron and I could get out. We finally got to see Cars - loved it! That would be our first movie out in almost a year. We got to ride our bikes one evening and of course the Texans game - which they won. We are not NFL fans, only follow college ball and usually just the Longhorns - but now that we are here we may just have to become Texan fans - or Titan fans for Vince. Who knows - but I feel football in my blood this year! We played lots of darts, centipede, pacman and Aaron installed golden tee on Sunday so Mom could get her golf fix!
Emily is still working on crawling. She moves, mainly rolls, or stretches but doesn't have the gracefull art of crawling - just yet. The teeth are still moving and causing some fussiness but hopefully it won't be much longer - of course I will miss that toothless grin when they do pop out :(
Here's one for you all to laugh at - I ran into the door this past week. Just smacked my face with the edge - yes it hurt and there were harsh words. But.....then I ran into the cabinet door that was open! Same side of my face. There has been discussion about removing all doors from the house.... My left sinuses (spelling?) are killing me! and NO this is not the first time I've done this...I run into doors alot. I don't even see them, not sure if I really don't see them or just looking the other way or just have my mind on other things and not paying attention. Damn doors! ....then Aaron laughs at me when I'm being cautious, like trying to step on an escalator with heels on.
Enjoy the day!

We still haven't gotten to see Cars. Probably have to wait till DVD. Glad you had a great week with your Mom :) Sounds like Emily's geting closer to crawling. That's such a fun stage!

Good luck with that door thing. Had that problem when I was a kid. Still have the occasional incedent of lifting my head up into an open cabinet door. Dang, you think I'd learn :)
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