Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Not a whole lot happening around here. i've had a sinus infection - first round of antibiotics did not help, actually made it worse, so now I'm on the second - seeing improvement. Emily had the sniffles last week - wasn't getting better so I took her to the doc yesterday. He gave her some meds. She doesn't seem to feel too bad most of the time - just irritated by my wiping her nose - poor thing! So anyway this morning we made a decision not to go camping this weekend. I'm pretty bummed about it - but as Aaron said its not like its our last chance to go camping. Besides cooler weather is always better. So I guess we will be staying home and watching the Longhorns play!!! - which is almost as good as camping!
Emily is crawling laps around the house. She loves Allie and the kitties! She pulled up to her feet over the weekend, fell and hasn't tried it again - that I've seen. She is so fun to watch. Hayden was over last night - crazy how much happens in just 7 months!
Enjoyed seeing everyone's back to school pics - the kids grow so much over the summer!
Hope everyone enjoys the three day weekend!

We've been dealing with the sinus thing here too. Poor little guys hate having their noese messed with! Hope you both are feeling better soon!!
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