Sunday, September 10, 2006

Feel like screaming or maybe just crying. I'm not looking forward to the "terrible twos" if 8 months is any indicator. What happen to my very easy sweet baby? Could it be the teething? and if so how freakin' long does that last? These fits are driving me crazy and they are even worse when Aaron is around. She will not go to bed - nap or at night. I know they go through a stage of crying themselves to sleep type of thing, but oh my these are full blown fits. She used to rub her eyes at night, we would pick her up and put her in the crib, and off to sleep she would be. (of course this was after the two months of her never crying except for 30 mins before bed every night - but then we learned the secret hold, very type across your chest, and she would soon give in) Anyway....I hope this stage passes quickly. I found a mommy group in our area, I may give it a try this week. Get me out of the house and meet other stay at home moms that won't ask me "So, what do you do all day?" Also maybe I'll find a babysitter. I don't really want to leave my 8 month old with a teen, espcially with her being sooooo hard to put to bed, but I'm hoping to find an older lady. We don't really want to go out alot but maybe just to know it was an option would be nice. Mom's day out seems pretty expensive but I think I'm going to have to stop talking about it and find one. I need a regular break. Aaron does great when he's home, but then that doesn't leave us any time together. Anyway.....just tired....tomorrw will be better and more on schedule.

And football this weekend SUCKED!!! UT, TEXANS, and TITANS all sucked!
The end....

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Hey there, not trying to find anything wrong...but she "could" have an ear infection. That will make them irritable (especially coupled with cutting teeth) and they'll hate laying down cause of the pressure they feel. If it is just teeth, Tylenol and and teething tablets worked wonders on Brayden. I'll get you the info on them if you haven't already heard about them.

Again, not trying to find anything wrong...but, Brayden was also my first experience with reflux. I always thought reflux was just spit up/colic stuff...NOT! And now I know that when you lay a baby down with reflux, they scream and fuss cause that stuff comes up and burns..and tastes nasty. And with ears and reflux the docs will tell you to elevate their heads. Brayden's "done" with reflux and doesn't have ear problems, but I always keep his mattress slightly elevated. And he sleeps on a thin pillow.

Don't know if any of this will help. Hope things get better soon. I KNOW how frustrating that can be. And I think that would be WONDERFUL to get into that group with other ladies who stay home!! And you do need a Mommies day out, if not you'll end up loco like me :)
"I need a regular break"! Are you freaking kidding me? 8 months, bullshit! We haven't had a night out or any time together away from the kids since Brayden was born, and very seldom since Natalie was born. It's called being a parent, little one! Time to grow up! Just wait til she starts sports or gymnastics and that takes up 3-5 nights during the week and a day or two on the weekend. Fun!

Just shittin ya. Hope she gets into a routine again soon. Sorry, that was just too easy.

And, I'll blog again when I'm good and G**damn ready, got it.


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