Friday, September 01, 2006


September 1st

Happy 86th Birthday to my Grandmother! I wish we lived close enough to celebrate with her.

Aahhh September ---- feel it --- in the air -- NO not fall weather (does that even happen down here?)......FOOTBALL! Since no camping trip we are headed to Tom and Kristi's to watch the UT game tomorrow. Looking forward to watching the new QB -- keeping my fingers crossed that he is even half what Vince was / is - or this is going to be a very long season.

Had lunch with Aaron today - Emily dressed for the occassion ( She is still not sure about the shoes - but eventually gives up trying to get them off. Should have seen her face when we got home and I took them off --- so relieved and happy!

What are everyone's plans for the long weekend?
Hope everyone gets to enjoy some time with their family!

Quarterbacks, plural, at UT.

We are going to have Matthew's 9th birthday party at a waterpark on Sunday.

Enjoy the weekend,

Went to the other blog and scrolled thru her latest pictures... OHG! That baby is sooo cute :) And I LOVE her hair. LOVE it! We get comments on Brayden's hair being cute, but she takes the cake :) Hope you had a nice weekend.
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