Wednesday, September 20, 2006

So much for play dates this week. Emily is still snotty. The doctor is treating it as a cold - but if she's not better by next week we will look into allergies. She seems to be in a good mood though - lots of crawling, pulling up, eating - just wants an extra nap, which I'm not complaining about.
Tomorrow I meet my parents in Austin and then Aaron will come in on Friday. Tom and Kristi rented a lakehouse for the weekend and my parents are going to come by to hang out and then we'll go out to eat for my mom's 60th birthday. We also have a babysitter for Hayden and Emily on Sat from like 3-midnight!!! I'm so excited. Between a sitter and my parents I should be free for the afternoon and then hopefully the sitter can watch her while we go eat.
I can't wait to hang out at the lake!!!
Hope everyone has a great weekend! :)

Sounds like a fun weekend ahead for you guys. Hope Emily feels better soon :)
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