Monday, September 25, 2006


What a weekend!!!

Thursday afternoon I left for Austin. Emily slept until Bastrop, where I stopped to feed her and grab a sandwich. While sitting at the table, simply feeding Emily a nice man comes over and speaks to me. He tells me how sweet Emily is and she seems small for her age. I just smile - she's actaully average I think, but I'll confirm that after her 9 month check up on Thurs - anyway he asks how big she was at birth - 6 lbs 2 oz - oh you must have liked that and thought how easy it would be to do again - I'm thinking this is an interesting conversation with a stranger - he goes on to tell me about heffers (spelling?) and how they like to have 50 - 60 lbs calves or you have to help them, so the heffers don't like to be bread with really big what does your husband do?
WHAT??? what is it about me that attracts old men and strange conversations?
Back on the road - traffic picks up as we get closer to town - Austin, traffic, big surprise! It doesn't take long to ge to the hotel though. The folks are still a couple of hours away so I check in and get Emily ready for bed. They finally arrive and we order a pizza. Emily has trouble going to bed - so tired and too much excitement.
Friday we take our time getting up and dressed and then head to San Marcos for a little shopping. Had lunch at a place on the river - can't ever remember the name - then back for more shopping. Can't keep a grandmother out of Carter's! About three we head back, drop off the folks and head for the lake. Get out of town so fast....Friday afternoon leaving Austin - WOW! ....spoke too soon. The last few miles were hell and Emily decided she was hungry - but we made it to the house about 5. Fed Emily and got her ready for bed. She was excited to see daddy but didn't fight bed too bad. Meanwhile we had burgers, hotdogs, and lots of beverages.
Sat morning we got up had breakfast, ran to the grocery store, and prepared for sitters and a day on the lake. Tom and I went to get the boat he rented, swung by and picked up Aaron, Kristi and Tracy. Before long I decide to tube - something I may have done once in my life. I swear Tom was going 30+ and my liquid courage made me think -- hey drag your feet and you'll go slower................has that thought sunk in yet? yeah....drag my feet and I'll go slower, you know boat and all! Lesson learned....dragging feet does not slow you down! My knees are visibly bruised from hitting the water!! Enough tubing for me. I get back in the boat and try to concentrate on skiing. Everyone takes their turn on the tube and then Tom decides its time to ski. We have two skis that don't match because they are slalom skis. Tom did succeed at two skis but not one. I have not successfully slalom sinced August 1997. I tried about four years ago did manage two skis. For those of you that don't know - I grew up skiing. It was one of the things I truly enjoyed and something I want to continue. After the last attempt I was afraid I may not slalom ever again. So I was nervous - truly - but very excited to have the chance. Well my friends.......I DID IT!!! I got up on the first try even. I was sooo happy! The water was pretty choppy where we were but it was still fun. Skiing is like golf use muscles that you didn't know existed until you try to get out of bed the next day....OUCH!
I was very proud of my husband. He momentarily got up on two skis. I think he would have been more successful had we had matching skiis. I hope he tries again! I have such great memories of being on the lake, skiing, spending time with my family, I hope to provide the same for Emily.
A storm blew in, but it was about time to return the boat. When we got back to the lakehouse my parents were there. So we all got cleaned up and headed to Carlos and Charlie's to celebrate my mom's 60th birthday (which was actaully Sunday along with Tracy's!) We had a great time - lots of laughs to go along with our many beverages! The storm blew over just in time for the great Austin sunset. After dinner we went back the house for pie/cake/presents. The sitters had finally got Emily to sleep and somehow she stayed asleep through all the singing and chatting of 9 adults, 2 sitters, and 2 more kiddos.
Sunday we slept in a bit - as much as you can with a 9 month old alarm clock- had breakfast and went for a walk along the shore with Allie - while everyone slept. Then it was time to pack up and head home. Emily was great coming home. I think she woke up just outside of town.
Aaron went to San Antonio for a convention. I miss him....I think this is his first night away since we've had Emily. I've been to my parents.. but I think this is my first alone. Everything has gone great. I got all the unpacking, laundry, cleaning etc done. Today we ran errands and cleaned out her closet. I can't believe how many clothes she has and Shirley called today to tell me what all she's sending! WOW! that's all I can say!
What a blog! but what a really great weekend! I hope we get to do it again sometime.
This weekend is camping with Roger and Shirley - the first since my birthday in 2005! Very excited.
Well I hope everyone has a great week!
Enjoy :)

Sounds like you had a really great weekend. Was that water not freezing? I feel your pain of not having the hubby around. Jim was gone 3.5 days last week and everyone missed him!! Hope you have another great weekend...I'm envious(sp?) :)
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