Friday, September 29, 2006



I’ve been tagged by Angie.

The rules are : List 5 weird things about yourself or your pets. Tag 5 friends and list them. Then, those people need to write on their blogs (or email) about 5 weird things, and state the rules, and tag 5 more people. Don’t forget to let the people you tag know by posting a comment on their blog!

1. I can not stand for someone to breathe on me, especially my face - yes this includes my husband and baby.

2. I brush my teeth in the shower - sinks disgust me, like public ones with hair in them.

3. I love to kiss my babies feet. I love baby toes!! - have to agree with Angie on this one - so does that mean we are both weird? or neither wierd?

4. I have to sleep with a blanket even if its hot - turn down the AC so I can have covers! and I prefer to have a blanket while watching TV

5. After going to Walmart, I wash my hands, put things away, and wash my hands again! Place creeps me out with all the nastiness - however Emily is allowed to just ride in the cart - too lazy to always put the little cart cover on - baby mommy

I have more wierdness - but the rules said 5!

I have tagged: Aaron, Trish, Kristi, Carrie, Stephanie

:) Thanks for sharing your wierdness. Sinks are gross...even my own! The walmart hand washing thing...I swear I FEEL the nasty on my hands when we leave. I have everyone rub on hand sanitizer when we leave and them I can't wait to get home to wash my hands. THEN I gotta wipe down the counters after all those bags and such were on there.

I'm with ya on the blanket thing too. And thank goodness someone else is a baby toe freak like me ;) I'm just waiting for him to wake up so I can go kiss them again!
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