Friday, September 08, 2006


Yeah! Friday

How was everyone's Labor Day weekend? We learned you can't watch football with an 8 month old - the game is at 7pm tomorrow - which we will record and start when she goes to bed around 7:30 ... :) Should be a good game! Sunday we discovered Brazos Bend State Park. The weather was actually pretty cool and we walked a little trail. Saw no alligators though and after all the hype they made about them I was a little bummed and I think Aaron was relieved! After the park we had bbq at a place that I thought was just up the road.....turns out just up the road about 45 was good. Monday we went to Cullen park - very nice paths under the trees. That afternoon I was trying to get Emily to take a nap and she had her very first full blown fit. She actaully was standing in the crib crying! You'll be glad to know that momma didn't give in and Emily did eventually take a nap. During the week she takes a morning and afternoon nap - no problems - but the weekends when Daddy's home - its hell. I guess she just wants to play with Daddy. So all week she's been crawling around and pulling up on everything, chasing the kitties, and playing with Allie. Amazing how much she's learned in just two weeks!
My parents were in Florida this week - thought they were going to watch the shuttle but it keeps gettig scrubbed. Today they got up about 4am - sat in the sun since sun up until about 11am - just before lift off and it was scrubbed. That just bites!! I think other than the whole NASA thing they've had a great time.
Bad news...Kristi's (my sister in law) mom may have cancer. They are starting the tests today. She is such a wonderful sweet lady - please send your good vibes.
And I almost forgot my punishment....I will not clog up the disposal. I will not clog up the disposal. I was making soup last weekend and too many peelings went down and clogged up the sink, making for an unhappy hubby - but as many times as I do it thank goodness I'm married to someone handy. I found him a leaf blower for FREE - on freecylce - so I think I'm out of trouble.
Hope everyone has a great weekend.
Hook'em Horns :)

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