Tuesday, October 10, 2006

After being tagged I've thought of many weird things about myself. One is
I LOVE yard work. This weekend we pulled up the bushes across the front. So excited, not only does it look better, but I got to use a rope and my Jeep to do it!!! Before I could get the flowers I wanted to plant my husband turned the dirt into a graveyard for Halloween. Looks pretty cool - I will try to remember to take a pic. But I need to get the flowers soon - the garden place has them 70% off --- and you know I can't pass up a deal like that!
Another weird thing - I love stale oreo cookies - not fresh and crunchy - stale and a little soggy----hhhhhmmmm!
I like icecream best in the winter - milk products on hot days just doesn't do it for me.
Things you just didn't know about me huh?

This past weekend we had a great time at Tom and Kristi's. Emily fell asleep and the adults enjoyed adult beverages - possibly a few too many, but probably not! We mixed orange sherbet, sprite, and spiced rum, and few ice cubes because I left the sherbet out too long. and too be honest....not much sprite. YUMMY!

Sat we dropped the camper off to get the hot water heater fixed, and the bearings checked. They also found we needed a new crank or something - which is covered by warranty. The water heater is turning out to be a little pricey - but no point in having the camper if it doesn't work. I'm very tired of the the cold showers - now not to the point I will go to the public shower...too much effort involved in gathering soap, shampoo, towels, clothes etc...just to the point where I may just shower when I get home. I'm camping right? no need to be too clean :)
Anyway hopefully the camper will be finished this week and we can make another trip soon.

Angie and Jim have been posting their wieght. I'm with you guys. This past week has been a gain of 5. Not too happy about that. I did take about a month off from the gym and this past weekend we had hotdogs, mexican food, sausage, beer, pie -- oooo what a weekend it was! So as you can tell I'm not much of "diet-er" I'm getting back into the routine of going to the gym atleast twice a week and walking Allie atleast twice a week. Hopefully the number will start heading in the other direction soon. Goal was 10lbs, now 15lbs . Would love to make that 20 /25 but will see how things are when we get to the first goal.

Emily is getting into the Halloween spirit --- e-m-s-pics.blogspot.com

I love working in the yard also. it's so nice to stand back and look at what you accomplished.

Emily's just so cute. I know I say it a lot, but man...

Good luck with the weight loss. It really stinks that it so much fun to put it on and so hard to take off. Wish it was the other way around!!
any you say I'm weird!
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