Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Everyone tells me - just wait until she's walking! I can't believe what all Emily can get into just crawling. If you check out her blog you will see She's learned to step on the pillow to get on the ottoman and once there she can sit or crawl over to the couch. Very clever girl and very proud of herself. Then she's discovered the pots and pans. And while we were eating dinner last night she climbed under Daddy's chair. She's done all this on her own with no prompting from us. Crazy kid!
Not too much else going on around here. Getting ready for Halloween. Need to finish up Emily's costume. She is going to be Pebbles. I have some black felt to cut and put on a pink shirt. Finally found a bone for her hair.

Oh it's all good. People always want to say "just wait till..." Heck, there are days that I may go nuts, but I do love (almost) every minute of it :)

And her pictures are so sweet. Hate that we're so far apart. She looks like a good playmate for Brayden!
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