Sunday, October 22, 2006

I cant believe that another week has gone by........and I didnt blog once. Last weekend was DFW and the fair. When we woke up Sunday morning Emily had the sniffles, which didnt surprise me because we had been around new kids. She seems to be in that phase of everytime we see someone new she gets sick. I hope her little immune system gets going soon! Anyway she would wake up a little snotty, but by mid-morning it was gone. I think it was Tuesday night that she woke up screaming with a fever. We finally got her back to bed and a saw the dr the next day. She said it was probably just a cold, but if the temp got over 102.3 to come back. Well she woke up from her nap screaming and her temp was 102.5 - so off to the dr office we go. Apparently they dont just give antibiotics must have blood and urine samples. The blood was a hard one for mommy to watch -- ok I didnt watch Aaron did. and as for urine Emily wasnt interested. They gave us a bag that tapes around down there. She pooped on the first and the next two leaked. antibiotics. Finally Thursday morning after sitting in the doctors office for 3 hrs...trying to get a urine sample they gave her a shot of antibiotics (cause by protocal her bloodwork alone says she needed one AAHHHH!) I must say this wasnt our normal doctor, but still one in the same practice. I thought Emily would sleep the rest of the afternoon but No! She had another high fever that night and was hurting. Finally after a few hours we got her to bed. She didnt sleep well poor thing. Friday morning she was feeling much better though. She is still snotty but no fever. I know she needs to see other kids - but its hard to do when you know whats coming.

Anyway that was our week. Friday night we went to Tom and Kristis house. Tom cooked a chicken, two different kinds of sausage, and a ribeye. All had a cajun seasoning -- very good stuff! I made the sherbet slide again...but with alot less rum. Very relaxing evening. Sat we watched most of the game - until the $#!@$@$@ DVR cut it off. and today we are making the Mexican drink Horchata - which I hope turns out. Horchata is like my Starbucks. A large is $2.45 and Id be happy to have one everyday :)

OK if you havent noticed my apostrophe button doesnt work. Everytime I press it something crazy pops up on the screen. Maybe I should look into that.
Well I hope everyone has a great week. :)

I totally understand wanted (not not wanting) you baby around other kids. At Matt's football games I swear every snot nosed kid comes over to play, breathe, and sneeze on Brayden's toys. Makes me nuts!
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