Monday, October 16, 2006

Rain drops keep falling on my head.....
If all the raindrops were lemon drops and gum drops....
AAHHH the rain.... We've had close to 10 inches this weekend! I love rain, still in my pjs, the house is that perfect temp, oh how wonderful a nap sounds, listening to the rain..................yeah right! Emily says no to a nap today. She slept a little this morning but has been crawling around all afternoon.
We had a great weekend. Saw old friends in DFW, even got to the State Fair. Finally I tried the fried oreo. I loved the cookie part, but not the batter. However Riley had the opposite opinion. The corn dogs were awesome as was the cotton candy and funnel cake. Emily enjoyed little bits of all. She is really alert and interested in what everyone is eating.
Hope everyone has a great week!

Hey, thanks for calling, we just layed around the house staring at each other.
Glad you had a fun weekend. And glad you guys got rain too. It was wonderful!!
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