Friday, October 27, 2006



I can't remember if the count was 4 or 5 (too damn many either way if you ask me) Anyway I think I forgot to tell ya about the one while we were pulling up the shrubs across the front. I had started and then Aaron came out - next thing I know he has it on the end of his shovel. It was not a grass snake - different kind of head, maybe a bull snake - personally I didn't spend much time looking. So there's that one and then I just let FatMan, our huge cat Linus inside, but before he was ready to actually come in the door he had to alert me to the snake on the backporch! How sweet of him. Most of these snakes are under a foot long - which creeps me out more cause that means that they are just babies and there's gotta be a momma and nest somewhere..??? As I mihgt have mentioned before I hate snakes. I know that may sound like a strong statement but really I don't care for them. :)

Other news my sweet little 10 month old can not only get out of the stroller harness, turn around, stand up and look at you so innocently - she can do the same in the grocery cart. Active little monkey :)
Hope everyone has a great weekend. We are carving pumpkins with Tom, Kristi, and Hayden and then watching the game and eating fajitas!! I'm sure I will have pictures to share.

I don't like snakes are not alone there. When I was growing up we had a rattlesnake get into the house! I think my dislike of them started then!!
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