Tuesday, November 21, 2006


its almost here...

Turkey Day!!! I never really liked Thanksgiving as a kid. It was more Bill's holiday - that guy could put away the dressing!!! but as time goes by I'm getting the spirit. I'm excited about this year because its going to be so much family. My parents, Kristi's parents, Aaron and Tom's aunt and Uncle. We are all getting together Wed night for fajitas, Thurs for turkey, Friday for football and leftovers plus Aaron's making his turkey chili -- which sounds bad but is AWESOME! Plus we are venturing out early Friday morning for some shopping - might as well. We've always been in such small towns it wasn't that exciting - but now we are here and ready to experience the pushing and shoving all to save a few bucks!
This past weekend we did go camping but the plans to see Aaron's parents fell through -- like I said entirely too much politics. But we had a great day walking around and cooking out -- Aaron made a great campfire and I got to have marshmallows!
Happy Turkey to ya!

Hope you guys had a great Thanskgiving & hope you survived the crowds :)
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