Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Say goodbye.....

to the folding table and chairs that is!! :)
I finally found a kitchen table and chairs that I liked and could afford. I'm very excited to eat at a normal size table. We felt like we were eating at the kids table. We have a dining room set, and ate there occasionally but with Emily and her tantrums of throwing food the kitchen has just been a better place. I didn't want to buy something just to have it - so I've been holding out. Then I found IT and it was on sale and even better my folks got it for us as a Christmas gift.

Not much else happening around here. Ben preparing for my parents visit next week -- which really just means cleaning. I cleaned Emily's room and the guest room from top to bottom today. I figure if I do a room or so a day, from top to bottom there won't be much left to do next week - just kitchen and bathrooms. We cleaned the windows last weekend - I can't believe it either, not sure we've ever done that.
This weekend we are going camping -- kinda. We are going to camp near Aaron's parents and they will come see us and we'll cook fajitas. Too much family politics to explain all of this but atleast we are meeting them halfway. will be nice to see how the repairs on the camper turned out -- we haven't been since its been out of the shop. Looking forward to a hot shower though!
Turkey day is at my brother in laws, with Aunt Shirley and Roger, my parents, and Kristi's parents. Nothing traditional about it at all --- but should be alot of fun! What's everyone doing for Tday?
:) Reagan

Everyone is coming here! What the F is that all about?
I volunteered (sp?) our house. I think it'll be nuts and fun at the same time. Cause when I'm all stuffed and bloated I can veg in my own chair :)

Hope you guys have a fun time this weekend...and as for funky family relationship...TOTALLY understand...TOTALLY.

Hope you guys have a great Thanksgiving!
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