Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Still stuffed!

My dad, uncle roger, and my mom

Emily hanging out after a good nap :)

Uncle Roger and Hayden

Kristi's mom Linda, and Aaron's Aunt Shirley

Kristi's dad Allan, Tom, and Aaron

Aaron's uncle Roger and my dad.

Thanksgiving was by far the best we've had in years (excluding friday's game)!! The more the merrier - that goes for both people and drinks! :)
Friday morning Aaron and I got up EARLY and hit Walmart and Target - got everything on the list. It was crazy but not as bad as I thought it would be. Walmart was ready - had things spread out but Target had everything behind the electronics counter - that was a little crazy!! Anyway most of the Chirstmas shopping is done. I need to get a gift or two and then think about Emily's birthday.
My parents left Sunday morning and Aaron went crazy decorating. The outside lights are up, the tree is up with lights - just needs to be finished. Most gifts are wrapped! We put up a baby gate in across the office and have the tree in here. I found these very cool green and red lights - both colors in one little bulb!! Excited to have a change from the white.
Aaron is going to Alaska for business next week. Not sure what I will do - maybe make some ornaments for Emily. I can't remember if I did that last year - I'm betting not. We had our own set of wooden ornaments growing up. I'd like to keep that tradition going.
Not much else going on. Had another gall bladder test yesterday -- waiting on the results.
Let's see if blogger will be nice and let me add some Tday photos. Nice blogger :)
Hope you everyone has a great week!

Great pics. Thanks for sharing. Hate to hear you'll be by yourself next week :( Hope the time flies fast for you.
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