Monday, December 04, 2006

I keep thinking its Dec 15th or so - but its just the 4th!!! I know Christmas and then Emily's birthday will be here before I know it though. I'm about done with the Christmas shopping and the few I have left to buy I atleast know what I'm going to get. Emily loves to jump and is about to outgrow the jumperoo so she's getting an inflatable trampoline It's basically an inflatable pool with a thick enough bottom to bounce around in. I think that will be for her birthday, along with a charm - thought that would make a neat tradition. I like the pearl idea too - trying to get Aaron to do that. Christmas will be fun but I guess I'm focused on her birthday.
All the gifts we have purchased are wrapped and under the tree! Tonight I made my cookies for the cookie exchange the mommy group is doing on Wed.
I feel ahead of the game this Christmas - yet have that little nagging feeling I'm forgetting something really big. I guess only time will tell.
How's everyone's list coming?
Remember to slow down and have fun along the way :)
Every evening after Emily is asleep we've been enjoying eggnog (that should help with the weight loss!). Before the cold front came last week we walked around the neighborhood looking at lights. Kinda crazy but pretty neat to live somewhere that's warm enough to do that. But I'll admit the cold weather has helped with the Christmas mood.

It is kinda wierd to be pretty much finished this early. but we kinda had to this year since we start our Christmas travels this weekend!

We have Nat and Brayden's b-day's next month and it does get a little challenging for me to determine what they'll get for Christmas and then for the b-day.

Not into eggnog, but this time of year I do believe we should endugle (sp?) in at leat SOME of our favorites!
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