Thursday, December 21, 2006


Merry Christmas

This is one of the pictures Alex took. He did a great job. Getting these two going in the same direction wasn't easy! Hayden is about 4.5 months and Emily 11.5 months. Emily is not posing - Alex just caught the picture right before she smacked Hayden on the head!....looks can be deceiving (spelling?)
Still crazy busy --- but more in the mood. I still want to get a few more Christmas gifts - just little stuff, mainly booze--isn't that everyone's favorite gift?!!
So here's the run down for the next few days. Tomorrow night is Christmas with Tom, Kristi, and Hayden. Sat is driving to my folks with a probable stop to see my grandmother - if not we will make a trip Sunday. Christmas Monday!!! Tuesday come home with my parents. Wed I'm having a kidney stone blasted -- FUN! Thurs is Emily's first birthday :) Friday we go to San Antonio for Aaron's grandmother's memorial and come back Sat. Now depending how I'm feeling the SA trip may not include me and possibly Emily. So today and tomorrow I need to pack and then clean so the house is all ready for company. But I've got all the birthday stuff gathered up -- all the presents and decorations, got a plan for the cake etc etc
Like I said busy - but feel like I have a handle on things.
Since I probably won't be signing in for a few days I just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! Be safe out on the roads or up on the roof :)

LOVE the picture! I was fooled. I thought it was just a sweet pose :)

Hope you guys had a great Christmas!

Booze and chocolate are probably the best 2 gifts :)
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