Tuesday, December 12, 2006

So much to do...but little motivation!
A very good friend of ours came to visit Sunday and take some family pictures - Thank you Alex! I've been deciding what picture and how to crop it for the Christmas card. Hopefully I can mark that off my list tonight. We also got a fresh wreath in the mail today - very neat! It was sent by Erin our realtor when we moved here. Talk about an amazying lady! We have a fake tree, always have due to mess and allergies, but I may have to atleast get a real wreath from now on - I love it!
So I have the holiday spirit - just tired I guess. Emily hasn't been sleeping too well lately. Another growth spurt and teeth moving around I suspect. She did sleep until 6am this morning - which was very nice! I can handle getting up a little early - its the multiple times all through the night I'm not too good with. I gave her milk for the first time this morning - so far so good! I thought I would gradually introduce milk and while tappering off the formula. :) Emily is also getting close to walking un-assisted -- very exciting!
In other family news... Aaron's grandmother passed away last night. Yes his other grandmother passed away in July. Alot of family stress and politics -- possibly why we feel so drained. anyway....keep him in your thoughts please.
Remember to have fun while fighting the holiday crowds! lol :)

We had a fresh wreath one year. And it was nice to have :)

Sorry to hear about Aaron's Grandma :( We'll definately keep him in our prayers!
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