Monday, January 22, 2007


Friday continued....

Well Friday continued to be a great day - in a weird sort of way.
I had a dr. appt and got the results from some blood work. I have hypothyroid. Finally an explanation for feeling crappy.
So when I went to another dr. in the fall and was reading a poster about thyroid problems and said hhhmmm I have ALL those symptoms and the nice lady doctor said "I'm sure you're fine, just a tired new mommy." - I was justified in wanting to smack her :)
I hate when doctors don't take you seriously. OK she took my money seriously and ordered a CT scan - but wouldn't order the simple blood test for thyroid problems. Whatever! Not going back there even for a sniffle. I feel relieved that I have a diagnosis and plan to getting back to feeling like ME!!
We also got a treadmill over the weekend. Needed a little repair - which I took care of this morning, so hopefully Aaron can get it back together this evening and I can get serious about this 5k. I've been wanting to do one, and I mean atleast jog - not just walk, for a while -- but I said it out loud to Trish and I've typed it hear - so now I'm committed.

Glad you have some answers and a plan for getting better! I know that is comforting at some level :) Good luck on you 1st 5K. It's cool that we are both shooting for the same goal...just not in the same area :(

Oh, by the way...Jim finally blogged.
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