Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Happy New Year

OMG!!! Too much too much! What a week. Honestly its nice to have some family time and see everyone, but the week we had was just too much. We are exhausted and stressed out. I'm so relieved that our schedule will be back to normal. We have a few things to do this week but nothing major like driving across the state of Texas twice and then having the kidney stone beat out of you, only to turn around and host a birthday party with a house full of people. Anyway moving on......kidney stone went well I guess. I've been exhausted and can't seem to wake up, but I go in tomorrow to make sure its all gone. Today I take Emily in for her 1 year checkup and vaccines. We put up all of the Christmas stuff, now I just need to clean up after birthday and then do some real cleaning and organizing. Then I need to seriously get busy on Emily's baby book. Its not really fancy or scrapbook like, just mainly pictures and a few info pages. Anyway I wanted it done by the new year, but like I said - no energy or time. So now it is my focus.
OH yeah!! Emily is walking. Sat she just stood up and started for Roxy. Kristi and I were in shock and wouldn't you know the camcorder was dead from the birthday party. I charged it over night and Aaron and I got a few steps on Sunday. You know how it goes - crawling is still faster!
I guess I should get busy.....

Sorry to hear about the kidney stone. How'd the dr. appt. go?

That's exciting about Emily walking!! What day is her birthday? I thought I'd written it down when Aaron called to tell us you had her...but I guess I didn't :(

Started taking down decorations here also. Nice to get the house back in order, but always sad that this seasons over.

Hope you guys have a great New Year!
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